Wednesday, February 29, 2012

We are totally normal.......really.

I'm not really sure how to begin this post. There are a lot of things weighing on my mind!
First, I'll go over the essentials. We have begun the fund raising process full force. It's hard! The reality is this project can't happen until my handsome, intelligent, talented husband is there to begin it. The other reality is there are so many children in life threatening situations that can't be helped until the project is underway. This motivates us to work in ways we can't even explain.
Next, our moving date has changed to the end of May!!! What? I said MAY! But to be honest, our hearts are there. We truly enjoy spending this time with our friends and family, but we long to be in Africa. We feel in between. We are wrapping up one life and ready to begin the new. We selfishly want to be there.
We will be auctioning off Casa De La Ropiecki in April along with it's contents. Those people who know and love my Michael realize that we will need to be far away from our house that day. He loves his stuff! All that to say we are packing up and cleaning out! It's becoming so real.
Now the stuff that's been on my mind. Africa is going to be hard. No, we won't have electricity. Nope, no water either. Yes, it's hot. And we are so white!! We tend to stick out, majorly. It's crazy expensive, it's so dirty. There will be language barriers and I can already see how my heart will be broken. There may be some moments of danger. It's not the safest area of the world. Communication with friends and family may have its difficulties. I will be crazy homesick at times. I will miss showers, American junk food, watching netflix, air conditioning, wearing my diamond wedding band, a refrigerator, dinner and a movie, Thanksgiving and my pets. But I have never known with such clarity where God wants me. I can't wait for the craziness. Bring it! As far as I can tell, the Bible sort of sets us up for a hard time the second we become "little Christs". It's going to be so hard, but he's going to be there. HE's already there ahead of us. There is no place I want to be more than where He is right now. We aren't super human, we aren't the few who are "called to his service", we aren't "better Christians" than any of our sisters and brothers. We are totally normal...really! Our call just sends us a little further, plus I have this super awesome blog!
The point? It is this, if you are living a comfortable no real hassle life, check your call. I'm struggling hard to find a Biblical basis for this thought that God will protect us from a crazy life full of hassle. Instead, I'm finding his followers getting jailed, being chased having some totally crazy stuff happen to them. Why have we been playing it so safe? What have we been missing? Bottom line, we are all called. Go into all the world......ring a bell? Maybe your world is Africa, maybe it's in TN. I don't know. But I have learned that if your life is comfortable, you might want to take a look around and see if you aren't missing a call. So, although there will be very few cokes and snickers (oh how I will miss those), don't feel sorry for the Ropieckis. It's our place. It's our privilege. We are speechless that we get to be a part of such an adventure. Go get an adventure too!!! Trust me, it's a rush!
That's my soap box and our announcement. I hope I didn't offend. Pray for Michael next week, as he will be putting in 2 wells in Bauya. Pray for me, as I will be caring for 3 crazy girls, alone for 10 days! Thanks!!


  1. We love you all so much and you are leading with such great example. I pray all your concerns and worries just be taken away...Give them up to HIM cause "He's Got This!" HGT=My new motto. I pray you figure out the situation of still being here for the next few months while trying to plan for the future. Make it all count each and every day. Love you.

  2. Love it and love you! I thought my adventure was AFrica too and in some ways it still is but I am finding that I am more uncomfortable in the mom life in the US than I would be as a missionary in a hut in Africa. So here is where my adventure and tension and growth comes for now :)
