Saturday, February 4, 2012

It's time!!

In the midst of a living room full of suitcases, backpacks and pillow we decided to shake our groove things to a little Just Dance! It has been used a celebratory tool for many of the great moments in our lives over the past few years and tonight is no different.

Tomorrow is the date of departure for Michael and I and believe it or not, we are still on speaking terms! Confirmation that people are praying, if you ask me!

All the bags are packed and the kids are excited about friend sleepovers for the next week. But, man, I miss them. At the same time, I'm so excited to finally see this year long journey start to come to fruition. It has seemed like such a far off dream with no clear form but it is really happening. That's huge!! I can't wait to see all the kids and the land that I hope to call home. The more we learn, the more we see how hard this journey will be. Strangely enough, we also find our hearts settled on it more.

So here are our prayer requests please:
1. Safe travel (that is sort of obvuous, right?)
2. our kids, this is difficult, we have never been apart this long
3. That we would either have perfect comfirmation or see red flags everywhere we look.
4. Health, for both the kids and Michael and I.
5. That we would learn specific ways to minister to the people of Sierra Leone.

Thank you so much for all your support and prayers. We can't thank you enough!

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