Monday, February 10, 2014

Aubrey's Guide to Freetown

Do you like blistering sun, spicy food and Madonna bumper stickers? Then you're going to love Freetown, which has an insane excess of all these things!
Here are some tips on what to do when visiting:

When packing, DO NOT, repeat, DO Not bring water proof bug repellent and safari, nature-y tourist clothing. I'm going to be frank with you, anyone who wears that stuff ends up looking dorky and basically sweating to death. Besides, you really only end up wearing "tourist clothes" when you come to Sierra Leone, then they are put in the closet never to return.

Tip Two: no matter how crappy you think it is, enjoy the plane ride while you have it, because once you step off that plane there will be no air conditioning or new movies.

As for tip three, when in Rome do as the Romans do, or in this case, when in Africa. Don't spend your time here sulking about what you're missing from home, just join the crowd and go with the flow. Try your best to be an optimist!

Tip four: if you happen to break down and go a little crazy, do not panic. Just take a deep breath, splash some water on your face and take a big gulp from your canteen. Look at the big picture, you're getting to do something few people get to experience! In the words of my BFF, Bob Marley, "Don't worry about a 'ting..."

There's a whole lot of cool things to do while here, and as long as you follow my four step plan, there's a good chance you'll get to experience them. But if you really want my advice, get an advice giver who isn't thirteen!

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